Post by Andre LopesHi,
Thanks for the reply.
I forgot to said that I will send e-mails in this process, so I need
to interact with the Database and with the PHP.
This approach is valid for this kind of problem?
Sure. You're just storing a row in the database, checking whether you
successfully did so, and quitting if you didn't. It should be valid for
any problem where you don't want two processes to be happening
Equally you could run your PHP program from a shell script and use some
lockfile program to do a similar thing, but I actually think that the
SQL solution is cleaner, and I trust the ACID capabilities of the
database much more than those of the filesystem.
Post by Andre LopesI have seen some procedures in SQL Server with row locks(I think this
is the term) to the tables in Selects and Updates. PostgreSQL have
this mechanisms?
You could use row locking, but I don't think it gives as much potential
for discovering what/why something is locked, and personally I would
consider it likely to be less imediately understood by a programmer
returning to the code in a couple of years. Whereas anyone who does SQL
knows how UPDATE & SELECT work, they probably have to refer to the
manual to work out exactly what LOCK does.
Post by Andre LopesBest Regards,
On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 10:24 AM, Andrew McMillan
Post by Andre LopesHi,
I need to write a PHP Script to use with a Crontab. That
Crontab will
Post by Andre Lopesrun every 10 minutes.
I should use pcntl_fork() to prevent concurrency in database
Post by Andre Lopesbut I don't have sure how to use this PHP function.
The reason for use this function is to prevent that if the
Post by Andre Lopesdon't do the Job in 10 minutes, the next Cronjob will not
concur with
Post by Andre Lopesthe job in the background that is running.
My question. There are PostgreSQL examples on how to use
this function
Post by Andre Lopesto prevent database concurrency?
Hi Andre,
A better approach would be to maintain a lock row in a
database table,
and let the database control whether another instance should
be allowed
to run.
CREATE TABLE concurrency_control (
application TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
i_started TIMESTAMP,
my_pid INT
INSERT INTO concurrency_control VALUES( 'myapp' );
Something like;
// Try and own the application processing record
UPDATE concurrency_control
SET i_started = current_timestamp,
my_pid = $$
WHERE application = 'myapp'
AND (i_started IS NULL
OR i_started < (current_timestamp - '2
// Check that we owned the application processing record
SELECT * FROM concurrency_control
WHERE application = 'myapp' and my_pid = $$
... if we don't get a row, then we quit ...
// All the processing goes in here.
// Relinquish the application processing record
UPDATE concurrency_control SET i_started = NULL, my_pid = NULL
WHERE application = 'my_app' AND my_pid = $$
// Optionally, for extra credit, clean up the dead rows :-)
VACUUM concurrency_control;
This approach has the benefit of just using standard database
compliance to achieve the goal. If there is a race in the
first UPDATE,
once must win, and one must not, and only the winner will
continue after
the second statement.
It also means that by setting the '2 hours' to something else,
you have
an easy lock expiry mechanism.
andrew (AT) morphoss (DOT) com
You are not dead yet. But watch for further reports.
andrew (AT) morphoss (DOT) com +64(272)DEBIAN
Q: How much does it cost to ride the Unibus?
A: 2 bits.